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Why I'm Running

Updated: Feb 13, 2024

Hi Lake Washington School District community. My name is Lindsey Yocum and I'm running for an open seat on our districts school board. The most common question I've been asked is "Why are you running for this position?" The answer lies in the one word I have tattooed on my arm...unless. In a quote from "The Lorax", Dr. Seuss writes, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It is not!" And that is my answer to why I'm running.

As a fifteen year educator and member of this community, I'm running for a seat on the LWSD school board because I care a whole awful lot about improving our public school systems.

I'm running because I believe a school board will benefit from a educator's voice. In recent history, there has never been a teacher on this school board. It is time we change that. Having an individual on the board who has a background in education and experience in the system is necessary, especially when the district will be creating their next strategic plan during this school year. This strategic planning will require board members to really understand our districts values, the diverse communities Lake Washington serves, the realities of working in a classroom post COVID, and the desire to engage and collaborate with all individuals impacted by board decisions.

I'm running because I understand education. I want to ask the hard questions and hold the district accountable for ensuring that all students are learning, growing, and succeeding.

Please check back here frequently to learn about my values and priorities.



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